Hoar frost

Early this morning I made a snap decision to join my friends for a trip up country to photograph the beautiful white landscapes.  It had been foggy up there for the last couple of days, that combining with very heavy frost resulted in a winter wonderland.  Truly stunning.
These are all iPhone photos, preferring to leave them in colour, even though it was a (mostly) mono type day.  I’m too tired to load my camera ones.   A job over the next few days, or perhaps when on holiday in Townsville.
There are some in extra which gives a good overview, the second last one is a rainbow fog-bow or snow-bow so I’ve been told, a weather phenomena.
An outstanding day spent with special friends.
We’ve just had a FaceTime with Lexi, she has just performed at a singing concert….she was introduced as “this young lady will end up on Broadway”.  Why am I not surprised, she is a natural performer.

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