Collecting Moments

By AudreyJ

Wishes do come true!

Woke up so excited to see my Aunt, and couldn't wait for lunch time to come so we could see her!

After chatting and some giggling, she invited me to come up to her room and grab a few odds and ends that she'd bought us, then she showed me her Nikon camera, only it wasn't her camera, shed bought it for me!!!!!! WOW and double WOW, I was blown away, reduced to happy tears and jumping for joy!!! It's the best present ever! Something I've dreamed if owning for a long time but never expected I'd ever own one. My Aunt and I have always had a 'connection' and she knows me so well. She's a photographer although not professionally anymore she's still very interested and we talk about photography often, it was my Aunt that showed some if my photos to someone and they offered to buy 3 of them - I was just too pleased that someone liked something I'd photographed enough to want to buy copies, but I couldn't charge them.

So I've got a manual to read and some playing to do. Super excited!!!!

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