Good morning :)

Up early again today, for the removals men to bring in the rest of our stuff.  (Well, one of them was ready early, the other one lingered in the van a bit longer, nursing a hangover.)  I made them tea and toast, and Tim and I answered lots of questions about what should go where.

We took delivery of our new dishwasher this morning, and I walked down to Lidl later on, to buy us all some sandwiches.  Lovely walking down there in the breezy sunshine.  Bit more challenging walking back up hill afterwards, but I had a nice chat on the phone with my Mum on the way.

Gary and Paul left soon after that, and we were about to settle in to do as little as possible when there was a ring at the doorbell.  It was Sandi from next door, inviting us round for tea and cake in the afternoon.  We did have a bit of a rest (though Tim found it hard to settle, and felt better doing bits and pieces - and we took delivery of our new washing machine and fridge freezer, too), then we popped over next door at 4pm.  Very lovely neighbours - so chatty and welcoming, and their pets were all super friendly, too.  We stayed around an hour and a half, then came back home to order a fish and chips delivery for dinner (had to be done!)

Spent quite a bit of time standing out on the balcony with a little tipple in the evening, appreciating everything we've got, and how lucky we are <3

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