Staying at home

We were going to Gateshead for a concert at the Sage, but at the last minute decided, for all sorts of reasons, that this was not a sensible thing to do. So I abandoned the tickets and we stayed at home - this is getting to be a bit of a habit! A quiet afternoon spent reading and sewing - perfect. Here are the latest stitches. Couching is stitching down a textured thread and I found some threads that I must have put in the dye bath when we dyed all the fabrics years ago. I was wondering just how the lined fabric I am currently working on happened - I guess I pleated the fabric in two ways before it went into the dye. This stitch is Van Dyke - I have no idea why it is called that and I had never met it before, but appropriately it is rather pretty as it forms a pleated column. 

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