Clip clop, clip clop

Despite being so close to the action, Appleby Fair does not affect us very much at all. As long as we don’t try to go near Appleby, which we can’t do anyway as the road is closed, we  can just keep out of the way and let them get on with it. We do however see and hear horses going past all the time though . . . and this is the reason. These carts are not only used to drive around the lanes, but also to get people to the pub and back - I wonder whether it is okay to drink and drive a horse!!

Now, for the first time, a few Travellers have taken up camp on the grass verge outside Dufton Hall (see Extra). This has only occurred this afternoon, so whether it is permanent or not I don’t know. I don’t suppose anyone has confronted them about it, not an action to be recommended. 

Oh well! it’s just this weekend and we are away tomorrow. They will all be gone on Monday. 

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