Have Float, Will Swim!

There are occasions in one’s life that are so special and wonderful that they will stay in one’s memory for ever. Today with a high tide, a lively sea and sunshine from a blue sky was one of  those times. There were about ten ladies trailing coloured floats bobbing about in the waves and it felt magical.

Before that, because I saw that there were no cruise ships docked in Kirkwall today, I dared to bus through to the shops there. I do like some things from Lidl and Stromness only has a Co-op. The town felt like I remembered years ago with  just locals out and about and  the occasional home grown tourist. 
Purchases completed, I was back home in time to sit in the sun and have a hot chocolate at the harbour.

For tea, I ordered a takeaway of fish and chips from the Pier Café  and the fish  tasted so fresh I wouldn’t be surprised if it had been swimming with me earlier.

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