Painting with mud

A friend dropped in this afternoon during Open Studios with her grandson and soon both of them were engrossed in painting with mud.  
Mud is a universal element. It’s cheap and free.
 M digs it out of the garden and puts his chemistry training to good use by distilling the mud until its smooth like whipped cream.
I find people are uninhibited working with mud whereas if given a set of paints they would feel they would have to do a “ proper picture”. Also, I use cheap wallpaper lining so there is nothing precious about that either.  Instead of brushes they use bamboo twigs from the nearby hedge.
Oh yes, I  sold my first AI print to a Glasgow collector. (See extra). He bought it as a present for his wife. I must confess to having mixed feelings about this because of the controversy surrounding AI. But this guy particularly wanted it so I let it go.

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