Morning mist (Day 2955)

Sigyn and I wandered up the hill in thick mist this morning.
Back home I had a bit of time to kill before I headed off for the first job of the day so I gave the van a much needed wash.
The majority of the mist cleared as I headed for Stromness to deal with a string of little jobs, and I couldn't resist a bit of a diversion to get a snap of the temperature inversion between Graemsay and Hoy.
Home for lunch and hot wander with Sigyn, then out again to have a look at a bathroom and give a prospective customer a bit of advice. A brief visit to Mum and Dad before another little job in Stromness, then along to Norseman to have a look at a problem with a basin.
Sigyn and I are waiting for my beautiful wife to return from continuing adventures overseas.

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