The Outhouse

Slept well in the cooler weather following the storm.
The single toilet in the campsite was in a little wooden shed that looked like a tool shed. But it was lovely and clean and not as cramped as our toilet in the van.

Anyway, David found another site nearer to Manchester, where we are going to see people tomorrow and the next day. It is called Hollybank Caravan Park in Rixton near Warrington. It was disappointing in terms of cleanliness of the facilities, but we have the use of our own caravan.

D’s friend Chris who usually comes for a visit, drove out to our new site and we had a cup of tea and catch up on his news. He is hoping to come out to Fort Worth in October/November later this year to visit us, so we discussed that as well.

Then we went on a walk next to busy road on a very narrow footpath to have lunch at a pub called The Black Swan.
On the walk back we took a footpath to avoid the busy road, but it made it a much longer hot country walk on overgrown paths through wheat fields with very little shade. I felt very overheated and tired afterwards.
But I did a load of laundry because we were running out of clean clothes and I wanted to make use of the lovely sunshine we had today. I also had a cool shower which was very refreshing.

After Chris left, D. had BG work to do and I had a bit of alone time which I needed.

Leftovers for dinner and an early night I think.

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