
Quite a few weeks ago, I had spotted a couple of notices posted on the mailboxes down in the village, and I had to go there before going to town today, so I finally had a look at them and both were the same. What's with people??  Who would use a mailbox as a garbage bin or a recycling bin? Idiots.
I have a few splendid bruises and cuts today and my ankle is quite swollen, but I'm not too sore. I'll likely go for a walk tomorrow. I watered our garden and Bill's then went to town for groceries. It was later than I usually go, and the store was so busy! Dodging other shoppers and their carts kept me on my toes, and the line up to go through the checkouts was long. Glad to get home!  
Quite the change in our weather. We have a cold front moving in with high winds later today and overnight. It's been cloudy all day and we might even get some rain. Never know what to expect these days.

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