Tiny Orchid
This little orchid plant with many blooms looking like they were centered with a pearl, was sitting on the counter in the office of my friend Gail where I went for a facial. I was so relaxed after that that I didn't take any more pictures.
An oversight on the part of the pharmacy sent John back for a second time for a better explanation as to why they didn't have a prescription for him to pick up. He was told they couldn't or wouldn't sell it anymore and he would have to get it from another pharmacy. The prescription was for me and they gave him a one month supply, but I can't see going to two different pharmacies for my prescriptions, so I may have to abandon ship, even though this is the last privately owned in pharmacy in town. I guess I have a month to figure it out.
The reason poor John was driving back and forth across town was because I was in the midst of preparing a Coq au Vin and couldn't leave it. On the way home the second time traffic was bad, and the tire pressure light was on, so he went to the gas station for air but the air thingy didn't work and he had to go to another gas station. He was gone so long I was beginning to worry....
In the meantime, a beautiful spotted towhee flew into the kitchen door and I found it feet up on the door mat. We have tried everything to keep birds from flying into the windows, but nothing (short of not putting out the bird feeders) works very well. Fortunately they usually survive, but I feel really bad when they don't.
I think we'll skip the endless stories on the news about Trump's indictment on 34 federal felony counts of breeching national security by storing top secrets in the bathroom and refusing to return them when requested to do so. We've heard it all before. Many times. There doesn't seem to be much question that he's guilty. The unfathomable thing about it is that it seems to have had little effect on his followers. Even the Republicans running against him (and there are a lot of them) seem reluctant to call him out. The whole thing is beyond comprehension and leaves me wondering how on earth we got here....
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