Why ? .......

Another scorcher once the early mist burned off.
Going round the cows this morning noticed some kind soul has left a gift at the side of the road. This is one of the many things that gets me going. Why drive out here and dump your crap,why not put it in a bin or take it to the council skips . And this isn't builders or roofers stuff,just household waste,so put it in your wheelie bin !
I will go down with a tractor and lift it and put it in our bin before it attracts more. Grrrrr.
Also in the background are 2 piles of brash which some clowns torched at midnight last Sunday. Luckily a neighbour spotted it and got the fire brigade out before it burned the fence and the rest of the wood. It did melt some of the newly planted trees in their plastic tree guards though.
I don't like people!

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