Sunday morning

Urgh! A very early start, this morning, as I had a German lesson at ten and I'd yet to do my homework.

Thus, I was in the car by seven-thirty, having paused only to take this photo of one of the Minx's festival banners.

But I got home in good time, had a coffee with Dan, who has been home all week to play in a show at The Dukes, and then I did my homework and the lesson. Phew.

After that Dan and I went for breakfast at The Goat Gap Café, which was lovely. It was so frustrating that he was home for a week when I was entirely away with one thing or another, but we'll have two or three days now.

But that was it for today, as he had both a matinée and evening show to perform. I stayed at home and recorded the radio show.

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