The Rollright Stones

For this week's Wide Wednesday RockArea asked for stones, so that's what we've got here. Lots of stones. Don't ask me how many. They are uncountable - in fact if you can count them 3 times and get the same number each time you can have any wish you like. There are three parts to the Stones - The King Stone, The Whispering Knights and these, The King's Men, so-called from a legend about a witch who turned a king and his army into stone. I realise I'm sounding a bit like freespiral here.

I was actually looking through my Lightroom collections this morning and doing some major housekeeping. Somehow I had tagged every image in the catalog with 'mrsfb', so I am having to remove her and then add her back in where she should be. Anyway this morning I did 2003, and there were a few shots of the stones from our previous visit. After twenty years I though we ought to check on them again, hence today's visit. I couldn't see any changes. Well they are over 4000 years old, so another 20 is probably not going to make much difference.

Update - 20 years has produced some differences in mrsfb (extras) - I can't believe she still has the same smile after another 20 years of living with me :-)

We drove on afterwards to a garden centre where we had some very nice home made ice cream. I also bought a small black hedgehog ornament which I though might be a nice doorstop for my study. The girl on the till saw it in my hand and thought it was an avocado. An easy mistake to make I said.

One year ago:
Kylie And A Sparrow
Our new Hidcote lavender is still small, but has some flowers already. It is really quite different to the lavender we had before.

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