
I had an early start this morning, a dental appointment at 8:30, the last one in my eye-wateringly expensive treatment plan. I was out by 9am. I had a few things to buy in Cirencester but most of the shops weren't open yet. 9am means about 5 past nine here in Gloucestershire.

The dentist asked me if I had any plans for the rest of the day. I said no, because at that stage I wasn't sure how I was going to feel. We've wanted to go to Kiftsgate for a while though and it seemed a good idea. We used our 2 for 1 Gardener's World offer, so that saved us £11.

It was well worth the visit, very interesting and didn't seem too busy, despite there being several coaches parked up when we arrived . Nearly everyone was taking photos on their phones. I wonder what they do with them all. I did spot three other cameras as well. I took about 50 photos, most of which haven't come out as well as I thought they would. The extra is 5 of those shots combined in a Lightroom panorama. It does this very well I think.

One year ago:
And Then There Were Five

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