Cooling off!

Have spent the last two days on the phone with Vodafone! What is it with these companies, they give you all these numerical options none of which actually work unless you go for the one that says you want to leave them! They answer that one quick enough!
Anyway finally I got the Blessed Lee who was from somewhere down South but bless his socks not only could and did he solve most of my problems but he was happy to go off script and chat. I  now know he's 58, married with girls and he pays all their phone contracts which comes to £300 a month! 
Given that I also managed to fix Donald's contract  by guessing his password was a bonus.
The only thing I was still stuck on and later in the afternoon was yet again trying to call bloody Vodafone when my mobile should ring and was it not the Hallowed Lee again  who was wondering why I hadn't signed the new contract!! I told him because in all likliehood he had emailed it to Donald who wouldn't know what the heck it was for so Blessed Lee emailed it to me instead! What a champ!
And I think I finally managed to track down my Uist house broadband  so win win.
However it left me mentally drained! You really do need to be one determined character to deal with these companies. Anyway just like the dogs  but not in the water but with an non alcoholic beer, I'm also cooling down!

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