Desperate for a hair cut ?

My Privett hedge is desperate to be cut, if only I new a gardener! The searching goes on, I just don't want " A" doing it , it's much to big a job.
Although I've been indoors all day, it has been productive in asmuch that I've made a start on sorting my papers to be shredded. The amount of recycling I've got rid of too, and this is just a start. May be I've been lazy, may be it's because I'm slow OR may be I'm trying to get as much as possible out of life ( whilst I can). Whatever it is I'm glad I made a good start. One exciting thing came out of this, I'd forgotten I was trusted 16 years ago to keep papers safe for someone. So when I contacted my niece this morning how delighted she was to have the news, as she also had forgotten. So her bank balance will be richer for the find.
Anothet wonderful day weather wise, it has been quite pleasant with a gentle breeze.
Hope you've all enjoyed it.

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