
D's last day at college..he dropped me off at Irongray Church and I walked home. The frothy cow parsley which lined the road is all gone now, and the hedgerows are full of dog roses and fragrant honeysuckle. June is a beautiful month.

I walked by the Auld Water at Routin Brig and was entranced by a pair of birds calling by the water's edge. I thought at first that they were wagtails but they were larger and had longer beaks and legs. I realised that I was watching Common Sandpipers - I've never seen them here before. Lovely.

I spent the hot middle of the day cleaning and tidying in readiness for our visitors coming on Friday. After lunch (and another nice call from Luke) I sat outside with a book, and then when it cooled down a bit, did some gardening.

Tonight we had a lovely summery risotto with the first of the (shop bought) podded peas :-)

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