A Day In The Life

By Irish59


Our first clematis flower opened this morning! The word clematis comes from the Greek word Klematis, meaning vine. It’s also known as “Old Man’s Beard” • We purchased a few annuals for the yard today, along with more herbs and flowers for the caterpillar raised bed aka cat box, LoL! • Grocery shopping is also done for another one to two weeks • We had such a good time last night catching up with dear friends from Connecticut. The time flew by leaving us wanting more; hopefully this summer or fall. They’re driving north into Quebec, then down to the St. Johnsbury, Vermont area. Unfortunately the forecast looks to be rainy for most of their trip but they’re seasoned travelers and will make the most of it! • I’ll end today with a few lyrics from John Denver’s Amazon song:

“There is a flower that blooms in the desert
That one blossom is all flowers
All flowers are that one”

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