A Green City

Lovely sunny hot weather again today . A busy day with plenty to sort out . 
Once I finished work it was home  to get changed feed Minstrel and then I went to visit Mum.

She is not doing to bad  but is waiting to see the diabetic nurse and also another specialist to hopefully sort her out. My Sister was there so nice to see her , she is keeping an eye on Mum for a few days .

Afterwards I went for a walk to take some photos of a heart from the trail which is close to where Mum lives. A lovely design called a Green City and shows wildlife from local  places and is painted by a local artist  Rosie Ablewhite I have included a shot of the back as an extra as it is also a lovely design .
Back home and chilling now with Julie who has finally got back from her Dads who is now home 

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