Early morning traveller

A grand morning’s cruising on the Llangollen Canal. We ended today’s journey near Bettisfield around 1.30 after filling up with water for the final time. Lovely weather, blue skies and a gentle breeze, something we would usually be grateful for if there had not been a lack of rain to worry about. The canal is a fine place to lose yourself in the moment.

This afternoon was not so successful as we tried to find our way around Wem Moss National Nature reserve and failed. It was hit by then and plenty of biting insects around to add to the already plentiful collection we already have.

A cup of tea soon restored the spirits as did a glass of beer before dinner. Our mooring tonight is completely isolated and quiet, not a sound. The last boat went through at about 7.30pm and since then perfect solitude. The twilight is slowly slipping away as the birds also prepare for the coming night.

Tomorrow is our last full day. We aim to be back at Ellesmere around lunchtime which will give us time for a stroll around its famous mere.

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