Carolina's journal

By Carolina


It seems having a phone is essential to our young people these days.  I was standing by the rocking chair looking up something on my Kindle and noticed that each of the boys was on his phone ( I guess I was too).   So I took a couple of pictures and on this last one Caleb and Caden are looking at me.  I thought I was being a bit sneaky and they wouldn't notice.  Guess not!!    I did have a different picture planned for today, but I won't be home until late  to post it and wanted to give out hearts for the MM challenge.   
  My daughter Jen is a professional photographer and I had her vote on the ones I had culled.   All but 2 flower pictures were out - just like that.  No Mercy was shown by Miss Jen!  A few people missed a heart because they had just a bit too much extra "information" in their photo. Others would have made the cut if they would have edited out unnecessary parts of their photo.   A few were not in focus. 
      So I came up with 7 hearts that made the Jen Cut.    Her favorite which was mine also was the Tomato by Marlieske.  
     Thanks for all of you that entered and if you want to know how your photo measured up you can ask me. 
       Here are the winners.
1.  Marlieske
2. Trisharooni  ( the Extra shot)
3. Ninniex
4. Wildwood
5 .AH14inbw    The Best for Simplicity of Life. (Jen's #2 fav .)
    Honorable Mentions
6. BikerBear
7. davidc
               The last 2 are just ones that I liked but didn't really capture Simplicity. 
 9. sk
10.  jensphotos

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