Carolina's journal

By Carolina


The water falls here at Ladder Creek Falls,  was looking fine this afternoon when we passed by on our way home.  I think passing by in early summer or earlier is the way to go.  We got home from Pearrygin in good order besides the one guy who was trying to pass multiple cars and Joe said if he hadn't slowed down to 40 MPH we would have been in a head on collision.   Not sure what people are thinking and I guess it comes down to impatience.    
  I tried for nearly an hour to renew my Cosmetology license... No cigar folks.   I had to e mail them and will probably need to call on Monday.  It was so much easier when we just had to mail it in with the money.  UGH!!
  Thanks for stopping by and will try to get to journals as I can tonight.  Thanks for those who still kept stopping by while I was on vacation !!  The extra is the shot of wildflowers for Flower Friday!  

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