When Life Gives You Lemons, Aylesford

Yesterday was not a good day. On one of my first now compulsory alcohol free lunch hours I managed to really badly turn my ankle over on Bond Street. The road and pavement on the street have been upgraded recently so that they exactly match in the same colour of stone. This made the kerb almost invisible. The problem was I caught the edge of it and the drop from the pavement to the road surface was enough to turn my ankle right over. It was excruciatingly painful for a good five minutes or so and really knocked the wind out of my sails. I managed to hobble back to work and luckily a colleague had some painkillers on her so I downed some that helped until I could get home and ice it.
I woke up this morning to a pretty swollen and bruised ankle and could only walk a few halting steps so decided it wasn't probably a good idea to attempt the journey into work (this will not go down well). However, it did mean I could at least have a bit of a more relaxing day with my brother and, while I didn't make lemonade,  I still took today's appropriate shot and got to appreciate the lovely weather rather than being in a dark studio all day. Not too bad a result considering everything!

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