
By Houseonahill6

More wildlife visitors

Another hot and sunny day but with no thunder storms and clear blue skies.
I was in the garden when I spotted something moving.I thought it was a bee at first but thought it was flying funny. On closer inspection I saw this narrow-boardered bee hawk-moth
What a fascinating insect. So pleased to have seen it as it did not hand around and was not seen again.
Plenty of butterflies flitting about enjoying the heat more than me. It’s not really cooling down much at night , reading 25 degrees in the bedrooms .
We dropped Richard off at the airport at 7.45pm for a 9.25pm flight down to Gatwick. It was delayed in the end because of planned maintenance on the runway at Gatwick and he did not arrive until 11.23pm.
We went down to Ardersier and parked near Fort George.I found a rock to sit on and watched the sea coming in. It was very calm. Some people were out on a paddle board and kept falling in. It looked like they were having fun .
We drove down to Alturlie had a walk up to the quarry. We hadn’t been there before and I surprised how big it was. I saw a kestrel and a magpie moth and enjoyed listening to the bird song. it was still nice and sunny but a bit cooler. Lovely views across to the Black Isle and the Kessock bridge.

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