
By Houseonahill6

Ullapool and beyond

Sorry I’m running behind again.
A fantastic day out in perfect weather. It was cooler but still sunny and blue skies.
After the Puffin Pool we headed for Ullapool . Stopping for a bacon and egg roll near Garve.
Glorious views across the water to Letters. I love the little houses with red roofs on the otherside. The wild roses are all out adding to the colourful landscape.
We stopped at the craft shop and had a coffee outside. A large Elm tree had been felled the day before and will be made in to planks to make furniture and pieces to turn.Ae treated ourselves to a pottery Highland Cow made by Ken Byrne on Skye and an owl made by Harry the Potter from Orkney.
We parked up in Ullapool and went for a walk along the shore to the river. So many wildflowers were out , lovely. There was a cooling breeze from the sea which was very pleasant.
We shared a Goat cheese and caramelised onion pizza from Oak and Grain , a mobile van in Ullapool.
We were just going to drive up to the viewpoint of Stac Pollaidh but decided to go abit further seeing as the weather was so good. Stunning scenery all the way. A walk on a hidden beach , so peaceful. In need of a drink we went to The Summer Isles hotel where I had a cold coke and Mike had a coffee.
On to Achnahaird beach. We met some Dutch ladies who had just been for a swim. Again plenty of wildflowers including orchids and flowering common butterwort. We sat and admired the view (pictured) before heading home. We did stop and shared a battered sausage and some chips to save us getting something when we got home.,a walk across the dam and a few photos taken at Fortrose harbour as some colourful boats were out and the water was so calm :)

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