Surf's up dude....

.....Owen chose his new beachwear for our forthcoming holiday....he was so excited he struck his coolest poses for the camera, but wouldn't stand still long enough for me to get a clear shot......tch, kids eh?

Here was my day

1. Up at 7am (Owen excitedly demanding that I play Star Wars with him)
2. Breakfast of mushrooms, tattie scones and bacon with strong coffee
3. Trip to Vicky Baths for a family swim (witness my first lifeguard rescue ever....10 year old jumped in to the deep when he couldn't swim...quite exciting)
4. Lunch at the The Cairn cafe (Tiso's shop in Leith)....good chicken salad
5. Visit to Nancy's mum
6. Tesco shop
7. Tea of lamb kebabs, sweet pepper and grilled asparagus
8. A bit of blip

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