Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A day at home

Last night we all thoroughly enjoyed the musical Mama Mia. It is such an uplifting show, the Abba music is familiar, the singing was excellent and the choreography and dancing were spell bounding. The cast had such energy and were so enthusiastic, and after the show finished they sang a few numbers and everyone stood up and sang and danced! I don't think I have heard a more powerful voice than that of the actress who plays Donna, the mum, she was outstanding. What a great evening, highly recommended. 

Thankfully today was a little cooler than the 30C we have had for most of this week. Gavin and I ran with Xena in the woods first thing this morning. After breakfast we went into the village and Gavin went to have a haircut at the hairdresser while my sister and I went grocery shopping. We met at Gail's for a delicious coffee before all returning home again.

It has been a quiet day at home. I dead headed all my roses and did some weeding of the lawn - the lawn is full of weeds, I am wondering if the lawn fertiliser we used this year introduced them. Gavin went to collect my prints from the camera club exhibition for me as it finished today.

I prepared salads and Gavin made kebabs as tonight we are having a BBQ, our first this year! Adam arrived from the airport this afternoon, he had a terrific time, he enjoyed his science conference and met some incredible people there. He is tired after the 12 hour flight with 8 hours of jet lag from San Diego. We are enjoying hearing all his news and future plans, such an exciting time for him.

I took no photos today other than some of Xena in the garden when I was busy weeding. 

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