Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A walk in the woods

The day has run away with me, it is now time to go cook supper and I haven't even had a chance to look at Blip today. It has finally been a beautiful day, sunny and warm all day with no wind.

I had a later start to my walk with Xena as the fire alarm was serviced today and I had to wait while they were doing that before I could set off. We went to the woods that is accessed from the bottom of our housing estate, it gets very muddy and inaccessible during winter so at this time of the year when it dries out I really enjoy walking there again. This was taken on the walk. At one point something huge flew low across the trees in front of us, I did not get a chance to see what it was but I wonder if it was some kind of owl.

Then the usual Monday morning chores, grocery shopping, a parcel to return at the post office, and washing and ironing. Xena got a second walk and the day seems to have gone by so quickly.

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