Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

We will get rain tomorrow (fingers crossed) according to the weather report, and also next week they say rain will spread all over the country. I do hope this is true. We desperately need rain.
This was how my strawberry seedlings met me this afternoon! They've grown so much! And also the cucumber plants. I'm amazed. :) The sweet peppers are also growing, and so are the tomatoes. I'm thankful. :)I also sprayed the patio with water to continue to clean it. Feels so nice!

This morning I just stayed in bed for a while. Longer than planned, but I was tired and content with just being there. The phone rang 9.15 and since I didn't recognise the number I just answered with 'Hello'. I'm here now, said a male voice, after greeting me with some cheerful words (don't remember what he said). I just... who are you?. Taxi, he said, I'm outside as you ordered. Taxi?? I didn't, I replied. You've dialed the wrong number. Then he said 'färdtjänst' (which is a taxi service provided for elderly people (and sick/problems of some kind..) when they need to travel. ) and then he said a phone number that was totally wrong (although I understand how he could get it wrong...). And I just said Färdtjänst??? No, you've got wrong numer, dial again and said goodbye, and then I hung up on him. Sure, I have a bad back and my feet hurts... but I'm no way near needing help with getting myself to appointments! Not for many years, I hope.

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