The grass is long again...................

After my traumatic trip on the boat yesterday, I've been feeling a bit sleepy today. Ann woke me up early to go for my walk because she had a Zumba class at 8.30am. After my walk, I literally just snoozed on the sofa until about midday (when our friend Iain, who is staying with us, was finally was dressed and ready to go out) and then I went for a play in the field with my ball.

The grass in MY field is getting mega long again. That means that I have to be really alert when Ann throws the ball because if I don't see where it's landed, it takes me ages to sniff it out.

After my play in the field, Ann & Iain went out for 2-3 hours and I was more than happy to have 'home alone' snooze time. When they came home, Iain went for a little siesta on his bed. Iain has a lot of siestas. (Ann's tried to tell him, that's why he doesn't sleep at night, but she's 'banging her head against a brick wall' so to speak. Men always think they're right don't they????) He's read 5-6 books in the last 10 days as well. My human doesn't really understand the book reading thing. Why anyone would want to come on holiday and just lie around reading books is beyond her, but hey ho, each to their own. Ann attempted to lie on her rocking sun lounger on our sun terrace, but it was a bit windy.

I had another play with my ball in the field at about 5pm but tbh, I was absolutely exhausted. Ann thinks that the trauma of being scared on my boat trip yesterday has worn me out.

Oh well, ho hum, apparently I'm going to have a lot of 'home alone' snooze time tomorrow because Ann is taking Iain to Newquay Airport tomorrow as he's flying back to Edinburgh. The A30 is closed this weekend so she's thinking it's going to take up to 3 hours to get to the airport and the same to get back. Can't say she's looking forward to it, but we're guessing there's not a lot she can do about it.


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