Double Take

If I told you that Archbishop Justin gave the sermon at our 9.30 service this morning, you could be forgiven for thinking that the Archbishop of Canterbury had paid us a visit, but you’d be wrong! It was in fact the Archbishop of South Sudan, Justin Badi Arama, who was our guest preacher, and it was a humbling experience to listen to him speak.

Apart from watching the service online we’ve had a quiet day today. So far the forecast rain and storms have not yet arrived, but there’s still time and the garden could certainly do with the water. 

I’ve spent the afternoon making nine of these welcome cards, three of each colour. Our church hosts several young interns from overseas every year, helping grow their faith and equipping them with skills to take back to their home churches. It’s a two-way trade because they are a huge blessing to us while they’re here, helping out in the Atrium café, and with the children’s work, small groups and worship, but in return they get excellent teaching and mentoring from our leadership team.

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