Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

It's been really sticky outside today. No sun for the most part of the day, just grey and sticky.
This was my first chore for the day... to bind the tomato plants and remove branches starting to grow between the stem and another branch. They have a special name in English too, I think. Chore number two was to: weed, as always during the summers. Not a fun task in this kind of weather. Then I and my bad back got a brak, following one of the bosses to remove rusty iron cords and other binding cords from large half circle structures. One of my co-workers were building planter boxes, and did a very good job at it too! I have to ask him how he made them, for future building plans at home. One of the co-workers accompanying one and the bosses and me, talked non stop. My head got so tired that I stopped listening. Sweet woman, but... wow, she can talk! It started when we were weeding and followed me up to the next task. 
Then my day was over and I limped to the bus. I feel better now when I've rested for a while, but... it's not fun. I'm still adjusting to the hard work, I think, so it'll get better. :) And with yoga and workouts for my back, I'll be ok. :)

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