Yn ei amgylchedd naturiol

Yn ei amgylchedd naturiol ~ In its natural environment

“Let early education be a sort of amusement, you will then better be able to find out the natural bent of the child.”
― Plato

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Rydyn ni'n deulu sy'n hoffi Lego - mae yna bob amser rywfaint o adeiladu yn digwydd yma. Prynodd Daniel set fach o Lego i mi fel anhreg Sul y Tadau. Mae'n un o setiau lle rydych chi'n gallu adeiladu tri model. Rydych chi'n gwneud y model cyntaf, ond rhaid i chi ei chwalu i wneud yr ail, yna mae rhaid i chi chwalu'r ail i adeiladu'r model olaf. Felly dyma'r model cyntaf - broga. Pysgod ydy'r ail a pharot ydy'r olaf.

Maen nhw'n tipyn o hwyl eu adeiladu a rydyw i'n meddwl maen nhw'n da iawn i helpu bysedd a meddyliau heneiddio i aros yn heini.

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We're a family that likes Lego - there's always some building going on here. Daniel bought me a small Lego set as a Father's Day present. It's one of those sets where you can build three models. You make the first model, but you have to demolish it to make the second, then you have to demolish the second to build the last model. So here is the first model - a frog. A fish is the second and parrot is the last.

They are quite fun to build and I think they are very good at helping aging fingers and minds stay fit.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Broga model Lego wrth ymyl y pwll yn yr ardd
Description (English): Lego model frog by the pond in the garden

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