
By tridral


Tacluso ~ Tidying up

“Reality reveals itself by substantial, palpable forms, accumulated or dispersed in empty space.... these forms are part of that space and.... the space between them appears as form, a fact which evidences the unity of form and space.”
― Piet Mondrian

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Treuliais i fy amser yn tacluso toriadau gardd ddoe. Roedd yn syndod o flinedig (neu efallai fy mod i wedi blino ar ôl gwaith ddoe).

Ac yna dychwelais i weithio ar broblem cyfrifiadur. Llai corfforol, ond fwy aneglur.

Yn y cyfamser pabi wedi dechrau blodeuo, yn araf.

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I spent my time tidying up garden clippings yesterday. It was surprisingly tiring (or maybe I'm just tired after yesterday’s work).

And then I returned to work on a computer problem. Less physical, but more obscure.

Meanwhile poppies have started to bloom, slowly.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Pabi yn ymddangos
Description (English): Poppy emerges

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