
By Nettenet

Day out

No O this week as they’ve gone up North to visit his other Grannie and wedding stuff.

Mr C decided to take a couple of days off and we headed to Hamble near Southampton for a wander. It was very quiet and the weather was just right for us. 

We walked down to the waterfront, stopped for coffee and a bacon buttie.
Watched an oystercatcher try and protect its baby from the seagulls. She was very vocal.  The baby was out quite a way out and swam to the harbour wall but I’m not sure if it had been hurt or not.  We then decided to walk the coastal path to the marina and back again ( I didn’t wear the best footwear but it was ok…. I didn’t fall :-D)

Back in the car we found a windmill that was closed,  stopped in a country park for coffee and cake but Mr C wasn’t happy about the expensive parking fees so we didn’t stay long.  Then we had a walk around Netley Abbey (extra).  It was huge.  From there we headed along the coast, parked the car and sat on a small bit of pebbly beach where I promptly fell asleep.

We then headed home , stopping at Elstead Mill for dinner.  Sitting outside on the decking as the ducks swam below us and with the warm summers sun on our faces.  A perfect way to end our day.

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