A chimney…

And my favourite street light.
Not a good day for photography for me. My Olympus just isn’t playing the game with me and underexposes everything and is picky what it focuses on. I guess I’ll have to familiarize myself with it various settings because I’ve got very lazy with the iPhone!
The PS played up and I had to permanently delete thousands of pics it had saved because my iCloud storage was full. But even after I’d done that I couldn’t see the pic I’d just edited to blip even though PS said it had saved and exported. So I also deleted hundreds of pics from Photos in case storage was full there too. I ended up emailing it to myself from PS and then saving to photos. Yet when I was adding this pic all 10 copies were showing in the selection offered. But still not visible if I look at Photos on my iPad. 
Hopefully things will resolve themselves tomorrow!

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