
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 72/89
Main activity: Tues - online, pool, call w/ Jo & Chrissy
Notes: Up a bit before 7a and tried to sleep more but no-go. Got up and made coffee, got online, did some web work. Around noon, decided to go to pool for a bit despite the heat! (feels-like up around 100 deg) - some gusty breezes definitely helped but didn't stay too long ... maybe 30 min. Took my shower when I returned and then made eggs w/ sauteed zucchini and a piece of Ezekiel toast. Back online to go thru Jo's site again and do some testing and also experimented w/ Elle's site. On Zoom w/ Chrissy and Joe from 5p-615p (Chrissy wasn't able to shed any real light or guidance on the questions we had). Worked on an affirmations audio file for Jo then until almost 840p. Al called 745-8p. To sleep around 11p.

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