
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 70/86
Main activity: Wed - Storms!, web work, Elle
Notes: Woke 545a to thunder and rain. Air was quite cool so opened up the windows and then couldn't go back to sleep. Glorious morning of dark skies, thunder/lightning and drizzle to heavy downpours. Free car wash day! In a lull, I pulled my car out (the white one seen facing the building) and let it sit in the rain for a couple hrs. Cleared off then and sun came out for a bit. Made a run to fill the car w/ gas and get a couple things at Aldi. Started clouding up again after I got back and went to the pool for short time to relax, sit in gray day and enjoy mild temps. Made another batch of chicken salad w/ fresh avocado mayo and had on 1/2 croissant. Kept getting darker outside and more rain came with temps at 70deg! Fabulous! Lightened a bit and then another heavy bout w/ some good thunder came ... Call w/ Elle then about her new website design/layout from 315-4p. And on Zoom w/ Jo 445-635p. Lots of rain!

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