My Best Efforts - Year 3


Willow Cottage Garden........

.............was open to the Public today and is one of the Gardens I have been trying to visit for 2 or 3 weeks and each time I was thwarted by the weather. Today, a glorious one with temperatures in the 20s (C), I at last got there. It was well worth the journey - situated down a quiet lane - it was a delight. When I arrived I was greeted by Bob Ward who told me something about what was were etc. which was very helpful. Off I wandered - across an immaculate lawn - then
onto bark chip paths, several ponds with a couple of ducks and a coot, back to the more manicured part of the garden through a shady walk. There were seats in abundance which was great. Arrived back at the cottage where I partook of a lovely cup of coffee and warm bakewell tart with lashings of fresh cream served by Karen (Bob's wife) - we had a long chat as she told me a little of the history of the place. They bought it 16 years ago when the cottage was desperately in need of rescuing and what is now this lovely 4 acre garden was a delapidated farm yard. The old photos were a revelation and it looked to be an impossible task. The garden as it is now has been just 6 years in the making. All the work and upkeep is done by the two of them except for one man who comes once a week to mow the extensive lawn. It is an absolute credit to them!
There were several shots I could have used but decided on this one as I think it captures something of the feel of the place.
If ever you are in the vicinity of Burgh-le-Marsh do visit them. They have a web site -
I have had a lovely afternoon and shall go again - Karen recommends mid July. (as a matter of interest the whole visit including refreshments cost me the princely sum of £5

As you will have gathered, the weather has been glorious wth a light breeze and a temperature in the 20 degC + region

Thank you very much for your comments and stars yesterday which got my now decapitated Alium on to the Spotlight page - just added to the enjoyment I've had today. Thank you again!

Have a great weekend!

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