Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

More dangly bits.

T and D came today.  He worked really hard, and has now completely cleared all the turf from the patch near the patio where we want to create a flower bed.  We now have to make some decisions.  Such as whether we want a small pond in this area.

D tackled the housework, and dealt with a lot of spider webs.  She left our bedroom sparkling, which stimulated me to make a start on the light fitting.  I de-dangled it.  It is really greasy and dusty - a job for tomorrow.  And it needs a couple of new light bulbs.

I forgot to take a "before" photo today.  So in extras, a photo from March (which ended up in a collage) of the light fitting, and then a photo of the de-dangled fitting.

We had a delivery of a case of wine - the delivery driver just dumped it outside the gates.  I wrote an indignant email to the company I had purchased from.  And we had a visit from a plumber - hoping to have our main plumbing issues sorted before the family arrives.

Edit - extras combined as a collage

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