Mini wild flower meadow

Paul’s wild flower bed is really taking off now. We’ve removed all the string that was stopping the pigeons eating and trampling the seedlings, and I’ve cut the grass around it today so it looks neater. It’s giving me so much pleasure seeing what’s coming up and what’s flowering each day. And I’m especially pleased that the old lavender bushes that I nearly dug up but decided to cut back hard (which you’re never supposed to do with lavender) have really done well and are beautifully shaped little mounds of shoots and buds now. A really rewarding project all round!

We actually had a bit of a thunderstorm early this morning so the garden’s finally had some decent watering. And both water butts are now full. Unfortunately, the rain made the damp walls at work smell really horrible for half the day until it cleared - looking forward to them sorting it all out in October, although it will mean the whole office has to relocate for a couple of months. And they haven’t yet decided quite where we’re going but I think we’ll be shared around the other offices in the library. Lots of planning and preparation to come on that front!

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