Tree-Time 2023 Part 6

I visited Dad last night and he was no longer in the ward he'd been in when I'd left the previous evening. They had moved him in the middle of the night to yet another ward. I'm not sure what purpose all the moving around serves other than to leave him somewhat discombobulated. He did not seem well at all - he was asleep almost all the time I was there, probably due to the disturbed night.

Still no progress on actually treating the infection in his hand.  Because it is contained within the joint and not causing fever or anything they are not even giving him antibiotics. He is still waiting to have the scan, which, I'm now told is still an ultrasound. 

I've been back again today and though he was still drowsy he is better than yesterday. Still nothing is happening, though the occupational health team came to see how well he could walk. I won't be visiting tomorrow as he wants me to go over to the bungalow to get his electric razor and charger along with one or two other bits and pieces. It will make a change I suppose...

This morning I went into the Arboretum to take my monthly tree photo. First sunny tree shot of the year I think!

Brian has gone birdwatching this evening to hopefully see/hear nightjars so I have the house to myself. I have done yoga, had a shower, put two loads of laundry away and had last nights leftover chilli halloumi for my tea.

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