Feeding the cats

I took my Mum a cup of tea this morning, before her carer was due to come at 8am - and left her still waiting at 9am, while I went off to feed my sister's cats (and her fish). Did that, and cleared a dead mouse and a dead shrew, too. (Welcome gifts for me?) Got back to Mum's and found her still waiting, so I did a couple of things for her, and the carer finally turned up at 10am. Cock up on the booking front.

I worked from Mum's today. Glad I thought to bring my monitor, etc, with me, as it made for a much better setup (at her kitchen table), and I was able to get quite a bit done.

Cooked a salmon stir fry for Mum and me for dinner, which went down well, and had a bit of a catch up on my photos at last.

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