
By spannarama

Lundy fledgling

Up and packed by 9am, ready for our cases to be collected - and then out of the cottage by 10am.  I think we did rather well!

We set out for a walk on the east side of the island, and made it to the old quarry cottage ruins, which were fun to explore.  Saw several Lundy ponies, too.  The heat and sun was getting a bit much for Tim again though, so we  went back to the village after that, and hid in the shade of the museum for a bit.  Really interesting exhibits in there - spent a while reading everything and looking at all the images and artifacts.

We walked over to the church next, and ate our sandwiches in the doorway - Tim in the shade, and me in the sunshine - and then had a look around the church inside.  Seeking more shelter for Tim, we walked back to the little shelter on the hill that we'd watched the sunset from the night before.  There was a couple in there already, having their lunch, but they kindly let us crash their space, and we had a good chat with them.  I went off for a little walk after a while, leaving Tim in the shade, and headed along a lower path, between shoulder high ferns.  It was so beautiful, and so peaceful - didn't see another soul, until there was a little scurrying of brown fluff in front of me.  I took one more step and another little fluff ball emerged - this fledgling wren (I think).  So sweet!  I took a couple of photos, then turned back, so as not to stress them out.

We went down to the beach to wait for the ferry home - got rather hot down there, but then managed to find a nice shady spot.  Very relaxing playing with the pebbles and listening to the gently lapping water.

Got in the very hot and sunny queue (while Tim hid in the shade a bit longer) and got talking to a few women there.  Everyone full of the joys of Lundy :)  Such a special place.  We sat with a couple of the women (two sisters) on the boat, and chatted away most of the journey home (and gave them restaurant recommendations for their one night in Ilfracombe).  Oh, and we saw dolphins on the way!!  I even got a couple of photos - though about as top quality as yesterday's puffin shot....

Back at the harbour, Tim kindly walked back home to get the car, then drove back to collect me and our cases.  I cooked us an easy dinner and we had a very relaxing evening, worn out and happy from our Lundy adventure!

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