Exton to Butser Hill

We have enjoyed a glorious day's walking from Exton where we started by crossing the  river Meon. We climbed up to Old Winchester Hill for lovely flowers (orchids and  round- headed rampions) and views. Then we continued up above  the Meon valley to Wether Down. The first extra shows the Meon valley, with the steeple of the church at East Meon just visible .We stopped for a picnic lunch at the Sustainability Centre, formerly HMS Mercury training centre, before continuing upwards to the top of Butser Hill, at 270m, the highest point on the South Downs Way. My blip shows the view from there, looking eastwards, (over the  A3 road)  where we shall be walking tomorrow. On Butser Hill there were more orchids, and lots of Vipers Bugloss, whose flowers were being enjoyed by  Burnett  Moths (five or six spot??). Then we descended to the visitor  centre at Queen Elizabeth Country Park for refreshments.
We had another scenic coach ride  back to Abingworth(due to roads through Midhurst being closed for repairs) followed by dinner and  quiz night!      

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