
By Houseonahill6

Feed, feed me now

I know I’m sorry but it’s another bluetit blip but how cute does this little one look. It was still demanding food even though it was quite happily feeding by itself be for the worn out parent arrived.
It was meant to be a very wet day but turned out to be a few heavy showers with lots of sun in between.
We went over to Inverness to pick Richard up from the airport. No need to have worried about him getting soaked off the plane. Took him home and then we went to North Kessock to eat our rolls from The Three Little Bakers.
Went down to Fortrose harbour for a quick look on the way back. The tide was in and all was calm. I sat on the bench for a while.
Back home I did a few jobs in the garden.Everything is growing like mad, especially the weeds !
Had my bloods taken this morning by Dr Shona, she’s sooo good, did not even leave a mark. I can start reducing the steroid tablets by 1 mg a month. I’m on 5 mg at the moment.

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