Home behind Bars

My life at the moment revolves around the tides and with high tide just after lunch I had time for a slow coffee and a chat with someone who has eschewed life in London for life in Stromness as a part time teacher. People come on holiday here and then stay. Unfortunately I am too long in the tooth to make that transition now and so extended holidaying is the answer.

The tide was just right at 2pm for just two of us to slip down the slip into the sea.
The sun shone long enough for us to have our swim and get dried before the clouds took over and the day suddenly changed. It was just a coincidence that this happened at the same time as the departure of my cycling friend into the bowels of the ferry with her camper van but not before we had shared a last coffee together. It was good to see her, albeit for the short time she spent in Stromness during her bird watching activities.

I saw my blip in a garden during a meander this morning.

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