Half an hour of dog walking this morning was adequate for Kyro. And that included puffing him with water to cool him down.
Headed to town for quick shopping and meeting my friend. We were going to an exhibition but as it's on until August we've got time. Instead we headed to Cafe au Chocolat. It looked very closed but Anna undeterred caught the eye of one of the staff cleaning inside. A brief wait outside in shade and we were soon drinking iced coffee inside and catching up.
While waiting blipped the corner of Gonville and Caius college - pronounced keys.
Arrived back home a little after noon. Fed the hound and made a quick salad for lunch.
Made a dish of onion, diced aubergine, mushrooms and puy lentils with soya sauce, balsamic vinegar, cinnamon, parsley salt and pepper to have with salad with dinner. Nice umami flavour.
Had an afternoon nap to catch up on last night's lost zzz.
Enjoyed Friday night's Radio 4's Add to Playlist. Love this programme!
Need to water a few plants then to chill with something to watch.
Pleasant evening everyone.
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