More visible than usual swimming in the pond in the Park. They might be rudd - I've no idea really, but someone can tell me I'm sure. Google sources tell me that rudd are distinguishable by their yellow eyes and protruding lower lips but my photography through murky water is nowhere near good enough to let me see that. There were more new fluffies in the Park today as well as the bigger adolescent broods. The eight cygnets are looking quite large and graceful now. There was a vivid looking cootling (extra) and two more clutches of new ducklings swimming into peril with complete fearlessness (2nd extra), although their mothers were panicking very noisily.

For the last two days we've had our pavements taken up and our street parking severely restricted for the third time since November in order for yet another company to give us access to ultra-whizzy fibre broadband. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's baffled. The guys who actually did the work, however, were very efficient and as polite and helpful as they could be. When B and I went out yesterday evening, one of them removed barriers so that we could get out of the front gate and then, seeing B's white stick and hesitation, offered his arm to help him navigate across the excavated pavement and kerb and left the gate accessible for our return.

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